
More than words, a legacy for humanity.

Chaplin in his films is calling us as humanity to be free, for people to think before you act, let us choose ignorance and a ruler to leave a legacy to humanity, a leader who thinks in the future and then best for everyone.

 i mention all this Because it is important that there will be eyes and think of tomorrow, Charlie Chaplin's legacy left us their ideas and thoughts through his films and his speeches, he always wanted to see humanity free and even after so many years we have not succeeded.

It is Difficult to Believe That is so but, sadly, is, we only have two options, ignoring household goods such as Charie Chaplin leaves us, or make a difference.

The Globalization

In this Written I will talk about of globalization
in the world , the globalization is a phenomenon about economy , politic and society ....  This problem is the grow comunication, between different countries to unite the market , societies and cultures, through a series of social, economic and policies that give a global character..

Now let me talk about The Beginning this process, the globalization  originated in Western civilization that has spread around the world in the last decades of the Contemporary Age,  received its greatest impetus with the fall of communism and the end of Cold War and continues into the twenty-first century. The economy is characterized by the integration of local economies to a global market economy where the means of production and capital movements are configured on a global scale, becoming more important the role of multinational corporations and the free movement capital together with the definitive implementation of the consumer society.

En realidad muy pocas personas quieren parar la globalizacion y todavia muchos menos piensan que esto pudiera lograrse. Pero muchas personas si quieren que sus gobiernos, e inclusive que unen sus esfuerzos para ello, hagan lo possible para que sus  pueblos puedan participar mas y mayormente de los beneficios de la globalizacion. El hombre solo puede trabajar bien si tiene bienes de consumo a su disposicion, y estos solo puede tenerlos si trabaja, y si el capital crea las oportunidades de trabajo.

I am going to state in my own words, I can conclude that the phenomenon of globalization is not good for all, globalization is good only for people who have money, people who do not have much money have seen their situation worsens how their jobs were destroyed and their lives became more insecure, have felt increasingly powerless against forces beyond their control and have seen their democracies weak and eroded their cultures.

By: Silvia Juliana Peña Amorocho


Charlie Chaplin was born in April 16 of 1889 in London, England. His parents were artists music-hall. Chaplin was supposed to be Jewish, but apparently was not true.

Charlie's family lived deep in the terrible urban poverty in London in the late nineteenth century. His mother (actress) his career was cut short because it suffered schizophrenia, and his father was an alcoholic singer. Charlie grew up in Kensington, surrounded by many music-hall players.

Charlie was in the care of his mother when the couple separated shortly after birth. His father died when Charlie was 12, and Chaplin with his brother spent long periods in orphanages. Charlie was left handed, like his daughter Geraldine Chaplin and grandchildren Tanya Chaplin, Chaplin and Dolores Chaplin Suso.

In America, Chaplin discovered the film world and quickly receives calls that lead him to try his luck in Hollywood. When he reaches the top of the film had a reputation as a comedian and quickly found himself starring in films that had an immediate success.

In these films played a tramp, who sought unsuccessfully to improve their lives ever. The people seeking the American dream "was identified with these stories and adventures were successful tramp over ten years.

Chaplin was decided to leave the silent film, so his films lost the appeal against the new production sound that began to occur late 1920.
Years later relented and recorded the sound film The Great Dictator, which parodied Adolf Hitler, who by then was in power in Germany.
After the end of World War II, the U.S. unleashed what became known as "witch hunt." This phenomenon was a state policy pursued by the Communists Americans seeking to protect national security. Chaplin was accused of being a communist and therefore as he departed on a trip to Europe received a telegram informing him that boat was forbidden to return to U.S. soil.